
By CoryHarris

5 Exercise Modifications for Bad Knees and a Low-Impact Workout Program

Low Impact Workouts

Let’s first discuss low-impact exercise before we get into the modifications. Low-impact exercise is one that places less strain on your joints.

Here are some low-impact exercises. Walking, swimming, and cycling are all low-impact cardio activities. Resistance bands are a low-impact strength exercise that does not cause damage to the joints.

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Low-impact exercises are designed to reduce the impact on your knees while still allowing for you to exercise.

Cardio with low impact

Low-impact cardio is one type of low-impact exercise. Low-impact cardio is an exercise that increases heart rate and minimizes the impact on joints.

Cardio exercises will increase your heart rate as you work harder. You’ll also need more oxygen. This means you’ll have to breathe deeper and faster. Cardio without putting stress on your spine or joints, low-impact exercise still offers the same benefits.

Low-impact cardio does not necessarily mean low intensity. You can still work out and increase your heart rate with low-impact cardio, just as high-impact cardio.

Low Impact Strength

Low-impact strength training is defined as exercises that have minimal impact on the joints. Machines are often used to reduce injury risk and relieve some strain on the joints.

You can also incorporate exercise bands into your training program to create a total-body strength training experience. This will not put any pressure on any particular joint. You can perform moves like push-ups and squats with exercise bands without placing weight on your spine, knees, or other important joints. Research has shown that resistance bands and tubing can produce comparable results to weight training.

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Weight loss with low impact workouts

Is it possible to lose weight by doing low-impact exercises? You can make low-impact workouts more intense by including your whole body. These are some tips to make low-impact exercises more intense:

Include upper body

It can be difficult to exercise with bad knees. However, there are some steps you can take to get a great workout. Swinging your arms while walking, and lifting your arms above your head during aerobics or step can increase the intensity of your workout without causing any discomfort to your knees. If you have painful knees, an exercise machine that works your upper body muscles such as an elliptical trainer and cross-country skier may be a good option.

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Exaggerate your movements

You can add intensity to your exercise by doing big, exaggerated moves. If you were walking in place, try making it more difficult by raising your knees and circling your arms overhead. It’s possible to look silly, but it’s well worth it.

Speed up

Speed is one way to increase intensity and speed up your low-intensity exercise routine. When increasing speed, be cautious. Pay attention to the sensation of your knees, hips and joints.

5 Exercise Modifications for Bad Knees

Leg pain is often caused by weakness in the legs. Ironic, isn’t it? Strengthening the muscles around the knee joint is one way to prevent knee pain. You can strengthen your legs in a variety of ways. Modifying traditional leg movements or choosing gentler moves for your knees, you can do so.

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This video will show you five great exercises to improve your bad knees.

1. Alternatives to Squats for Bad Knees

Squats, the most important of all leg movements, are a must-do. You might be wondering if I can still do squats even if my knees are bad. You might have cut squats out of your routine if you are experiencing knee pain.

Instead of doing a traditional squat grab a stability ball and place it between your back and the wall. You can still work your lower body by doing squats with bad knees, but they won’t put pressure on your joints.

Start your squat by leaning slightly back against the ball, with your feet about shoulder width apart in front.

This will not only relieve pressure from your knees but it also allows you to modify the move to your strengths and weaknesses.

To make it more difficult, you can add dumbbells to your hand.

2. Reverse Your Lunges

Lunges are another essential move to tone your legs. They not only strengthen your leg muscles, but also fire up your glutes when done correctly. The forward lunge is the most likely to impact your knees. So…

These lunges can be practiced without adding weight. However, once you have the motion down and focus on keeping the weight in the front foot, you will likely find that these lunges are easier on your knees. Once you feel confident, add weight.

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3. Get Deadlifts to Make You Feel Alive

Deadlifts could be the answer to your problem knees. This classic strength training move is great for anyone with bad knees.

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Deadlifts are among the strongest and most effective strength exercises you can do. You will not only target your glutes or hamstrings but also your low back and middle back, traps and calves, as well as your forearms, core, and forearms. Whew! This move packs a lot of punch. You work your entire backside by focusing on your center. You won’t cause sore knees by keeping your knees slightly bent.

4. Bridge the Gap With Bridges

You are lying on the back. You are not getting a break. Glute Bridge works like a laser beam to your butt. The glute bridge is great if your knees prevent you from doing squats and lunges or if you need to vary your lower body moves. So…

Glute bridges strengthen your glutes, hip muscles, core, core, lower back, and hip muscles. Glute bridges can lift your back without causing any damage to your joints.

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5. Roll with a Stability Hamstring Roll In

Hamstrings are known for being weak. These muscles are difficult to target and are often overwhelmed by the quads. This move will target your hamstrings, glutes, and core. So…

To protect your knee joint, stronger hamstrings are combined with stronger quads or glutes. The Stability Ball Hamstring Roll In is one of the best ways to strengthen your hamstrings. It does require a stability ball.